Live Performances
Kardeş Türküler (Songs of Fraternity) Concerts
Kardeş Türküler is a renowned music project with a varying line-up that plays traditional songs in all the original spoken languages of Turkey. In this live performance Beril plays askı davul which is a big traditional drum.
“BUFK Sings for Peace” Series -Siro Yerk
Performance of an Armenian love song called “Siro Yerk” with Ara & Onnik Dinkjian which is Boğaziçi University Folklore Club’s former of a series of videos within the scope of struggle to speak up for peace. Beril plays riq in this video.
“BUFK Sings for Peace” Series – Nassam Alayna Al Hawa
Performance of an famous Arabic song called “Nassam Alayna Al Hawa” with refugee musicians from Greece and Syria. It is the second performance of Boğaziçi University Folklore Club’s series of videos within the scope of struggle to speak up for peace. Beril plays drum in this video.
Concert for International Women’s Day
In this video clip, Beril plays drum set & djembe as a leading percussionist of the concert for International Women’s Day. The Kurdish song is a strong anti-war folk-song which develops by hope and solidarity.
Musician & Composer
Düşüş – The Fall (Musical Theatre)
An electronic based soundtrack of an experimental musical theatre called, Düşüş (The Fall). Beril plays drums & controls Ableton Push unit. The first song is fully composed and played by Beril. The piece is called Temizlik (Cleaning) and it is a live performance recording.
The second song is called “Round – Cannabis Sativa”. (Live Performance Recording)
Anamnisis Smryni (Requiem for Smryna)
This is a piece composed and arranged by Beril. “Anamnisis Smyrni” (Requiem for Smryna) is a Greek song about great fire of Smyrna.
Where is Hope? (in progress…)
Beril works in a theatre play called Where is Hope? It is an adaptation of Bertolt Brecht’s play The Good Person of Szechwan. In this remake, Brecht’s rotten system is portrayed from an ecological perspective. In this play, Beril is going to use eco-acoustic framework as a new mindset for sound-design and composition.
Her skills and expertise on music education includes fields like Fundamentals of Music, Making Music with Ableton Live, and Principles of Rhythm & Percussion. Her recent collaboration with various educators among world concentrates on the effects of quarantine on music making processes. The review of this discussion on the future music education was translated into Turkish.
Workshops and Courses in Online Platforms
Beril continues her work as a music instructor via online platforms. Ableton has started developing a series of classroom projects to support music educators with the planning and delivery of engaging music lessons using Live and Push. Starting with October 2020, she plans to use these lessons as an instructor in Boğaziçi University. Inspired by this program, Beril will reach Boğaziçi University students from diverse backgrounds via online educational methods.
Sound Design Projects
In following plays, Beril worked as a sound-designer for Boğaziçi Performing Arts Ensemble’s recent works called Zabel and Now You Have a Trial.
Boğaziçi Performing Arts Ensemble’s Zabel is the latest play of the company’s feminist theatre series. The play concentrates on Armenian author Zabel Yesayan’s life story with respect to her Silihdari Bardeznerı (Gardens of Silihdar), Hokis Aksoryal (My Soul in Exile), Averagnerun Mech (In The Ruins), and her letters. Play is written, directed, designed and performed by female identified artists. Here is the trailer of the play Zabel.
Now You Have a Trial
What kind of nightmare would Kafka’s Mr. K. plunge into if he were to be detained in a country without the slightest semblance of justice to the point that it would have even startled Kafka himself? Now You Have a Trial, we find Mr. K. in a spiral of injustice escalating in severity before our very eyes. He has at his side, in contrast to his apathy and resignation, a dissenting and active sister. This time Mr. K.’s trials are about the present and us… Here you can watch the trailer of the play Now You Have a Trial.
Audio-Drama Plays
In following projects, Beril worked as a composer and sound-designer for a podcast program called K’nın Sesi (Voice of K). On K’nın Sesi, you will hear audio-drama plays and conversations based on experiences of women and LGBTQ+s with diverse backgrounds pertaining to class, ethnicity, age, sexuality, ability. In these audio-drama plays, Beril created binaural sound design for each story.
K’nın Sesi (Voice of K) Episode #1: Ellerim Gözlerim Oldu (My Hands Became My Eyes)
Audio-drama about an isolated woman and how she experiences the lockdown process alone.
K’nın Sesi (Voice of K) Episode #6: Herkes Nerede? ( Where is Everybody?
Audio-drama about a woman with Alzheimer’s disease in a senior house and her experience on loss of her best friend.